What do we offer?

  1. A website where you can drag and drop a picture of the garment you are looking for or take a picture via the app.
  2. Modify some parameters like the color and add some specifications as the fabrics.
  3. Artificial Intelligence analyse you image and match your product with products available on other website
  4. It displays different garment that are available on different website that you can click on to buy.
  5. You can filter by price, size and also delete those that do not fit your expectations, our AI will learn and adapt to propose you the garment of your dream.

Behind the scenes, how does it work?

Do you see how kayak works?
You select some features regarding your departure's date and city, etc. Then the app uses API (Application Programing Interface) to access the airplane companies' availabilities and display them is the kayak's webpage. We would do kind of the same but with outfit images!

When you select a picture in our website or app, we use a API which uses Artificial Intelligence to understand what is the product you are looking for. There are several API available on the market, specialized into fashion and clothes detection :

For instance, the API Vision, based on machin learning, would, among other things, attributes some labels to the elements present on the image and classify them into predifined categories and would display metadata.
Those information are sent back to our website and then sent towards garments API such as Amazon or Gucci were it analize if there are clothes matching the classification in which your picture is. The API sent back the information that are then displayed on our websites. You can select those that fits your needs to refocus the AI match.
Several product will be displayed, with additional information, size availability, and a links (using payement API) to pay directly on our website or app.

API Vision
source: API Vision

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